Tag Archives: Motherhood and hot flashes

I love that song Africa by that group Toto.

Honestly, that title is the most random thing I’ve ever written and it has absolutely nothing to do with anything–I just needed to write something.

But, it’s true.

I’ve been feeling a bit uninspired to write this week, simply because I’ve had an annoying cold/sore throat/cough/runny nose for 9 days now, and because I’ve been quite busy with work as well.  So, I’ve really had no time to reflect on anything, or find much humor in anything either.  I’ve just been trying to get at least one good night of sleep and not to overdose on cough medicine.

I did just have a nice pedicure with my mom this afternoon.  I don’t usually treat myself to those kind of things, but my mom really enjoys going and so I  booked us a double-pedicure so we could have our nails done and chat.

I learned a few things about my mom today:

She apparently loves Eminem’s new song “Monster” featuring Rhianna, and knows every word.

What?!?!  How awesome is that?!?!   I can remember when all she’d play is Anita Baker when I was in high school (gag).  Glad to know that as a mother, you never lose your ability to “get with the times”.

She picked toenail polish called, “Too Hot To Handle”.   Is she referring to her hot flashes or has her self-image drastically changed?  Either way, I love it.

The last two times I’ve gone to get my toenails done, I’ve randomly chosen colors called, “Smoke and Mirrors” and “Freedom”.  Hhhmmmmm………

Anyway, I’m going to cheat a little bit today and just post a couple of links to some older posts I wrote a while back that are much more entertaining.  One about Marriage and the other one about my Almost-Fatal accident, because if you just need a laugh today, that one will most likely give you one.

Hopefully I’ll be on the mend soon and will come up with something much more entertaining for you.

Until then, thanks for still stopping by:)